The Existing Homes Alliance has gathered signatures from 25 organisations calling on the First Minister to fulfil his promise to introduce a Heat in Buildings Bill before the window for legislation closes imminently due to the election.
The House of Lords was the setting for the launch of the 2025 UK Housing Review yesterday with event host Lord Richard Best urging all political parties to engage and utilise the publication when setting future housing policy.
Rettie has heralded “stability” for Scotland’s housing market, forecasting a 3% average house price increase in 2025, driven by a slightly improved economic outlook.
Scarborough Group International (SGI) has engaged CBRE and Savills as joint leasing agents for the former Younger Building in West Edinburgh, ahead of its planned redevelopment.
A new report published by the UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence aims to address the shortfall in official data regarding landlords within the Scottish Private Rented Sector.
The Land Reform (Scotland) Bill will inflict “an era of wanton damage” on rural Scotland unless the Scottish government accepts that key changes should be made to it, according to Scottish Land & Estates (SLE).
The Scottish commercial property market is shifting as the economy edges towards stability but with new development at historically low levels, the focus has continued to be on existing stock, according to new research from Ryden.
Commercial property rent disputes between landlords and occupiers in Scotland saw a decrease in 2024, despite continued rises in prime rents across major occupier markets, according to new Knight Frank analysis.
Scottish legal and property brand Simpson & Marwick, with roots dating back to 1886, is making a significant return to the Aberdeen property market after a six-year hiatus.
Uncertainty over policy direction has led Scotland’s private rental sector to undergo “a reset”, after a mixed year for rental growth across the country during 2024, according to Gilson Gray.
Downing Renewable Developments has moved to new bigger offices in Glasgow to accommodate its increasing number of staff as the business continues to expand in the UK and the Nordics.