
Jak Henderson: Recent changes to the financial health requirement

Published 1 year ago

CT’s Jak Henderson delves into the implications of the financial health requirement (FHR) on companies seeking EIS and VCT funding, detailing its historical interpretations, the complications arising from HMRC’s strict enforcement, and recent amendments to the HMRC’s approach which offer a more nuanced consideration of a company’s financial health.

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David Stewart: Delivering more homes in a climate crisis - time for an informed debate on where we build

Published 1 year ago

David Stewart, policy and practice lead at the Scottish Land Commission, discusses the commission’s latest research and explores the importance of option agreements in creating better places.

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Andrew Walker: Futureproofing the Scottish food and drink industry

Published 1 year ago

Andrew Walker discusses the challenges faced by the Scottish food and drink sector due to rising food inflation, highlighting the First Minister’s stability plan and emphasising the importance of robust contracts, understanding supply chain dynamics, and future-proofing pricing policies to ensure industry resilience and growth.

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Graham Mercer: The future of construction lies in developing the right talent

Published 1 year ago

Rearo managing director Graham Mercer explores the current skills gap in Scottish construction and the need for a co-ordinated approach to developing homegrown skills.

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Tim Thomas: What should I do if I suspect a fellow company director of fraud?

Published 1 year ago

Tim Thomas, partner at Ledingham Chalmers, offers advice to individuals who suspect a fellow director of fraud.

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Craig Sanderson: A response to the Scottish Conservatives housing waiting list figures

Published 1 year ago

I refer to the article in Scottish Housing News on 8th August 2023.

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Shehzad Ashaq: Changes to R&D tax credits favour large companies over SMEs

Published 1 year ago

Shehzad Ashaq has questioned the logic of changes to R&D tax credits that favour large companies over SMEs.

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Ryan Gillies: New focus needed in winning war for talent

Published 1 year ago

Ryan Gillies discusses the escalating challenge of attracting and retaining skilled talent, examining factors such as the skills shortage, the impact of the pandemic on working conditions, changing employee priorities like work-life balance, the rise of remote working, and the necessity for companies to adapt by investing in employee development, upskilling, and embracing human-centric approaches.

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Lori McElroy: Understanding our homes is the starting point for switching to clean heat

Published 1 year ago

Existing Homes Alliance chair Lori McElroy responds to recent proposals to reform Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs).

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Robin Turnbull: Implications of ban on strike-breaking agency staff

Published 1 year ago

Employment law specialist Robin Turnbull writes about the recent legal victory for trade unions in the UK, making it illegal for employers to use agency staff to cover the work of striking employees, and discusses the potential implications.

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Andy Drane: Using capital assets to save the environment

Published 1 year ago

Andy Drane looks at the emerging trend of large corporations partnering with landowners to finance carbon offset projects as part of their efforts to reach net zero emissions, and discusses the opportunities, risks, and considerations involved for the landowners.

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Adam Hardie: How reduced duty on no and low alcohol drinks could brew success

Published 1 year ago

Adam Hardie discusses the implications of the new alcohol duty rules set to come into effect next week, which are predicted to impact the entire drinks sector, with particular benefits for producers of low and no-alcohol beverages.

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Jamie Davidson: From Berlin to Bo’ness – what is The Mietendeckel?

Published 1 year ago

Conduit Finance managing director Jamie Davidson looks at how Scotland can learn from the German capital’s rent cap alternative to instead accelerate social housing.

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James McSporran: Scotland’s construction and logistics sectors must work more collaboratively to unlock benefits of energy transition

Published 1 year ago

Peel Ports Clydeport director James McSporran considers the opportunities the energy transition presents to both the construction and logistics sectors in Scotland, and how the two sectors can work more closely together to reap the benefits and to accelerate their own decarbonisation goals.

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Kate Darracott: FCA’s listing rules reforms could pay off for Scottish companies

Published 1 year ago

Kate Darracott looks at the proposed reforms by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to the UK’s listing rules aimed at making UK stock markets more attractive to businesses seeking to raise capital, and how they may make the UK listing regime more competitive, particularly for early-stage, high-growth companies, revitalising the UK and Scottish economies.

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