Homes for Scotland has welcomed a reduction in average decision timescales for major housing applications but warned that the determination times still far exceed the statutory period of 16 weeks.
An increase in the number of affordable housing approvals and site starts has masked an otherwise disappointing quarterly update of the Housing Statistics for Scotland for the year to end of December 2024.
Plans for a significant population increase in Bucksburn have advanced with Aberdeen City Council's approval of the initial phase of the Greenferns Landward development.
CHAP Group has reported a record annual turnover of £57.7 million for the 2023/24 financial year thanks to a robust performance of its Civils division and the opening of a regional office in Dundee.
Persimmon East Scotland has submitted a planning application for an exciting new development at Cleugh Brae in West Lothian – which would deliver the final phase of development in the West Calder/Mossend development area.
Plans to redevelop an industrial site in Edinburgh's Bonnington district into a student-led mixed-use development have now moved to the planning stage.
The ONE SeedPod food and drink industry innovation hub, aimed at boosting high-value manufacturing, received its official launch in Aberdeen last week.
Collective Architecture is showcasing professional photography and a promotional film for the stunning new development at Dundashill, Glasgow for West of Scotland Housing Association.